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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Good Things at the Art Table in Preschool

There are some consistent materials that are available at our Art/Writing table every day. Of course there is paper, and the "basket choices" that are available on the shelf at the end of the table. In these baskets we have crayons, stencils, scissors, pencils, and lots of labels (one of the best yard sale finds EVER). On the shelves above the table are markers, paper, and lots of glue sticks.  Plus, we always put out some die cuts that have to do with the theme that we're talking about.

Most days we get several people who visit this center, and lots of fun art gets created. Sometimes it's just drawings, but sometimes it's something really elaborate, like this picture:

Perhaps the parents of the Little People wish that they would be given cuter, more crafty papers at the end of the day. But I personally love these creations.  When I look at them I see spatial concepts, and fine motor skills, and lots of emergent writing.  Plus I see something that a Little Person was able to make from the own design, with their own hands, all on their own.

And that, (in my opinion) is what Teaching the Little People is all about.

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